Clifford Akuhata

Clifford Akuhata is a well-respected figure within Tūhoe communities and actively contributes to improving opportunities for the future of Tūhoe people.

Whānau: Married to the Kuini and a committed father and Koro to his whānau. Clifford and Kuini currently reside in Waimana.

Marae/Hapū: Clifford is of Ngāti Rere and Tamaruarangi hapū and was elected by Te Waimana Kaaku, the collective hapū interests operating within the Waimana rohe of the Tūhoe rohe. Cliff was a key member of the Tūhoe negotiations strategy group and attended and contributed to various negotiation meetings. He played critical roles in maintaining mandate relationships; remaining connected to regional community and iwi level politics and was vital in communicating negotiations progress to the community.

Iwi: Cliff plays an instrumental role on the Tūhoe Whakapapa Kōmiti. This role provides services to the iwi enabling reconnection and repatriation of multi generations around the world, linking whānau back to marae and hapū. Tūhoe whakapapa is held in high esteem.

National: Clifford has over 30 years’ experience in private enterprise. He is known to tourists visiting the area as a tour guide around the area’s most beautiful scenic walkways.

Clifford brings a wealth of governance and management experience to the Board, and currently holds several governance positions in respect to Tūhoe infrastructure and development.
Clifford Akuhata